Battle played in the week of 13 to 19 April 2020

Headquarters of the Naran Team Turin



We played with armies of 4000 points and 1500 points of magic (Ars Arcana) each.

The armies were represented respectively by 152 miniatures (Samurai & Goyukay) and 155 miniatures (Dark & Cursed Elves), for a total of 307 miniatures .

You can see in the following pages the complete lists of the miniatures of the two Armies employed in the battle:




The scenario included an incursion of Dark Elf Pirates into an island in Mikado.

In a "Historical" scenario, set in the late 1400s / early 1500s, the Dark Elves can be replaced by English, Dutch or Portuguese. Of course in this case we would not use Magic, the Giant and Terrible Creatures and the Goyukay (Dwarves). By using only Men miniatures, the Fantasy Warriors Rules can very well be used. For Samurai their "Base List" can be used. For Europeans the "Base List" of the Army of Men at Arms can be used.


The approach of the Dark Elven Pirates to the coast occurred overnight. The area chosen for the landing is the coast of the Province of Ashina. The invaders' ships, however, were seen by fishermen who were offshore, who immediately returned to the shore and sounded the alarm. The Daymo ruling the Ashima fiefdom, MORIKIYO, ordered his Samurai to prepare to repel the invaders. As a precaution, he sent a messenger to ask for help from the Goyukays who live on the mountain that rises near the border of the fiefdom, a section of which overlooks the sea precipitously. Among the Daymo of the Ashima Clan, a treaty of friendship with these Dwarfs Goyukay has long been deputy, who have already sided with them in battle on other various occasions. A few hours later, a contingent of Goyukay appears in front of the gate of the Daymo castle, eager to confront the invaders. Perhaps more than the Samurai, the Goyukays hate the Dark Elves. The Goyukay Battle Leader was accompanied by an Elite Samurai Unit mounted on Kirin, a Veteran Samurai Unit, an Arquebusier Unit and two Rocket Launcher Units. Daymo Morikiyo ordered his Wizards and Priests to be ready for battle, and two dragons who dozed in their lair were awakened from them, inviting them to participate in the upcoming battle, which these Creatures have accepted to do with enthusiasm.

In the meantime, the Dark Elves are ready on the flagship of the dark elf captain, DHOR-DAGON, as well as on the other four ships that make up the small fleet. They are flanked on the expedition by Cursed Elves, Elven Witches with an Arcane Giant Chariot, Arachnotaurs, an Arachnotitan, a Demon Unit, a Giant Hydra and a Giant Gorgon Heroine, for which the Captain, introducing her to his Pirates, he said that "she alone is worth an army !"

The Battle:

The Samurai won the Scouting test, so they took advantage, being able to see how the enemies lined up first.

Neither side deployed the Soothsayer, so the Omens were not read. The Warchiefs made their "promise" and the battle started on the 4th Turn of the night.

The Dark Elves have deployed their crossbowmen in the center protected by Pavises. On the right side they put the Dark Elf Knights on Raptor, the Giant Hydra and the Elf Witches with the Arcane Giant Chariot; on the left side they deployed the Arachnotitan, the Demon Unit and the Arachnotaur Unit.

The Samurai have deployed all the Infantry on the left side, in the center the Archers and Arquebusiers with also the Goyukay Arquebusiers. On the right, with the Warchief, the Samurai lined up the Cavalry with the two Dragons, supported by the two Rocket Launcher Units and the Goyukay Cavalry on Kirin Unit, the latter sheltered by a wood.

Two Demons (FIENDS) were also used in the battle, summoned by the respective Cabal of Wizards. The clash was so violent that both of the first two summoned Daemons were "killed" in the course of the furious fighting. A third "Fiend" was then summoned by the Daymo Magicians to cover the void left by the previous one, who had been "killed" . The Cabal of the Dark Elf Wizards has chosen not to summon another "Fiend" to replace the eliminated one, preferring to repeatedly summon the spell of the "Blast" in subsequent Turns. against the Giant Dragon and the Samurai Knights enemies, but obtained poor results, although the Wizards of the enemy Cabal could not attempt to banish this spell, because they were busy controlling their second "Fiend" .

During the furious battles, the Giant Samurai Dragon killed the Arachnotitan, breaking through on the right side together with the Samurai Knights. On the other side, with the help of the "Fiend" , the Samurai Infantry managed the field very well against the Dark Elf Cavalry on Raptor, the Hydra and the Arcane Giant Chariot of the Dark Elf Witches .

In the center, the Dark Elf Crossbowmen and the enemy Archers and Arquebusiers have eliminated each other. Little did the two Goyukay Rocket Launcher units do: one was wiped out by a Dark Crossbowman Unit, the other was eliminated by the Demon Unit. On the same side, the Young Dragon has validly stood up to the Arachnotaurs Unit. The Samuray Knights of the Goyukay ruled the front, as long as they could, against the Demons and the "Fiend" . Admirable was the conduct of the Herald, who was left alone, kept the field for two more Turns, thus blocking the enemy "Fiend".

In the end of the game, in the "Clash of the Titans" , the Gorgon was killed by the Young Dragon, after he had in turn eliminated the Samurai Hero. Then the Giant Dragon and the second summoned "Fiend" eliminated the Hydra.

Another epic battle of Naran Fantasy Wars!

Outcome of the clash in terms of points:

The battle ended with a real "Massacre", which in terms of points was in favor of the Samurai & Goyukay (Sergio) :

the Dark & Cursed Elves suffered 4130 loss points (Sandro) .

the Samurai & Goyukay suffered 2617 loss points (Sergio) , with a difference of 1513 points in their favor.



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